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Nanotech Project

Category 1
Extensively verified claim

The manufacturer has provided information supporting the nanotechnology claim and this claim was verified by an independent source. Actual product has been tested for nanomaterial or supporting documentation references such product or product was described in more than one published scientific documents (such as research studies, patents, or reports). For example: The manufacturer website lists a datasheet with nanomaterial characteristics plus a scientific research paper or patent also describes the product.

12 products

Bonderite NT

Company: Bonderite

Category: Cross Cutting > Coatings

Origin: Finland

Nanomaterial: Ceramics

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

Energy Enhancer

Company: LifeWave, LLC

Category: Health and Fitness > Personal Care

Origin: USA

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

Flash Memory (90 nm technology)

Company: Samsung

Category: Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware

Origin: Korea

Nanomaterial: Silicon dioxide

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

Hard Disk Drive (High Capacity - GMR head)

Company: IBM®

Category: Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware

Nanomaterial: Silicon

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

IBM® PowerPC® 970FX/970MP Processors

Company: IBM®

Category: Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware

Origin: USA

Nanomaterial: Silicon

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)


Origin: USA

Nanomaterials: Carbon, Copper, Gold, Iridium, Lithium, Nickel, Platinum, Selenium, Silver

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

NanoLub© MP-X Chain

Company: ApNano Materials Inc.

Category: Automotive > Lubricants

Origin: Israel

Nanomaterial: Tungsten disulfide

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

NanoLub© MP-X Compressor

Company: ApNano Materials Inc.

Category: Automotive > Lubricants

Origin: Israel

Nanomaterial: Tungsten disulfide

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

NanoLub© MP-X Gear

Company: ApNano Materials Inc.

Category: Automotive > Lubricants

Origin: Israel

Nanomaterial: Tungsten disulfide

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

NanoLub© RC-X Engine

Company: ApNano Materials Inc.

Category: Automotive > Lubricants

Origin: Israel

Nanomaterial: Tungsten disulfide

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

SARPU antimicrobial nano silver colloid

Company: ABC Nanotech Co

Category: Cross Cutting > Bulk

Origin: China

Nanomaterial: Silver

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)

Y-En Effect

Category: Health and Fitness > Cosmetics

Nanomaterials: Gold, Organics

How much we know: Category 1 (Extensively verified claim)