Comments Submitted to UK Council on Science & Technology
The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies has submitted comments on the United Kingdom (UK) Government’s response to the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering report ‘Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties.’ We are encouraged by the recent introduction of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) voluntary reporting scheme for free, engineered nanomaterials. We hope that this reporting program will be a valuable first step in addressing the environmental, health and safety implications of nanotechnology at both the domestic and international level.
Since the UK Government’s response was released in February 2005, a number of significant developments have occurred in the field. In particular, new information and analyses have emerged associated with nanotechnology public perception, nanotechnology commercialization, nanotechnology oversight, nanotechnology risk research and nanotechnology in agriculture and food production. As the UK Government moves forward to implement the strategy outlined in its response, it is critical that these updated findings are systematically considered and integrated into its future activities.
October 6, 2006