Nanotechnology Project

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Environment, Health and Safety Research

NIRT: Investigating Nano-carbon Particles in the Atmosphere: Formation and Transformation

Project Information

Principal InvestigatorJoAnn Ann Lighty
InstitutionUniversity of Utah
Project URLView
Relevance to ImplicationsHigh
Class of NanomaterialIncidental Nanomaterials
Impact SectorEnvironment
Broad Research Categories Generation, Dispersion, Transformation etc.
NNI identifier

Funding Information

Anticipated Total Funding$1,844,117.00
Annual Funding$368,823.40
Funding SourceNSF
Funding MechanismExtramural
Funding SectorGovernment
Start Year2003
Anticipated End Year2008


The focus of this NIRT project on Investigating Nano-carbon Particles in the Atmosphere: Formation and Transormation is to gain a clearer understanding of the chemical and physical processes occurring in the formation of carbon nanoparticles and their subsequent transformation in the diesel engine exhaust. The project has three thrust areas: (1) development of theoretical and experimental methodologies to describe the formation of heavier hydrocarbons and particle inception; (2) modeling and measurement of the particle size distribution of nanoparticles formed in combustion and diesel exhaust; and (3) modeling of the optical properties of soot precursors an soot as it ages. This project includes a collaboration with the University of Naples, Italy. The Italian investigators will contribute to this activity by several measurements including optical measurements in flames, and conagulation models.