Nanotechnology Project

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Environment, Health and Safety Research

Laboratory Modules on Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnology

Project Information

Principal InvestigatorXiaoqi Zhang
InstitutionUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell
Project URLView
Relevance to ImplicationsSome
Class of NanomaterialEngineered Nanomaterials
Impact SectorEnvironment
Broad Research Categories Risk Management
NNI identifier

Funding Information

Anticipated Total Funding$200,000.00
Annual Funding$66,666.67
Funding SourceNSF
Funding MechanismExtramural
Funding SectorGovernment
Start Year2005
Anticipated End Year2008


This Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) award to the University of Massachusetts Lowell supports Dr. Xiaoqi Zhang, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, for his work on introducing research-based environmental nanotechnology experiences into a wide range of undergraduate curricula so that students will be exposed to cutting-edge advances in nanotechnology and their impact on the environment. Six research-based hands-on laboratory modules which illustrate the effects of nanomaterials on the environment and the potential of using nanomaterials for environmental pollutatns removal will be created. The proposal for this award was received in response to the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education (NSEE) program solicitation, NSF 05-543, Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) component, and is being co-funded by the Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Systems (BES), Division of Design, Manufacture and Industrial Innovation (DMII), and the Division of Engineering Education and Centers (EEC), all in the Directorate for Engineering (ENG).