Nanotechnology Project

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Environment, Health and Safety Research

Use of nanoparticules in industry: safety aspects

Project Information

Principal InvestigatorMichael Riediker
InstitutionHead of Research group "Particles and Health", Institute for Work and Health, (Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail), Université Lausanne + Université Genève, Switzerland
Project URLView
Relevance to ImplicationsHigh
Class of NanomaterialEngineered Nanomaterials
Impact SectorHuman Health
Broad Research Categories Exposure
NNI identifier

Funding Information

Anticipated Total Funding$167,202.00
Annual Funding$55,734.00
Funding SourceInstitut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail (external funding requested)
Funding Mechanism
Funding Sector
Start Year2007
Anticipated End Year2010


The principal aim of this study is to evaluate the risk for workers due to exposure to non-controlled emission of nanoparticules in industry. This information will be contributing to safer work conditons and to establish rules and strategies for protection in case of accident. The project successfully finished the pilot phase. Main phase currently awaits funding.