Nanotechnology Project

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Environment, Health and Safety Research

NSEC: Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing

Project Information

Principal InvestigatorJames Watkins
InstitutionUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
Project URLView
Relevance to ImplicationsSome
Class of NanomaterialEngineered Nanomaterials
Impact SectorCross-cutting
Broad Research Categories Characterization
NNI identifiera1-33

Funding Information

Anticipated Total Funding$4,072,362.00
Annual Funding$814,472.40
Funding SourceNSF
Funding Mechanism
Funding Sector
Start Year2006
Anticipated End Year2011


This Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) is a comprehensive research and education platform that will stimulate U.S. competitiveness by moving nanotechnology from laboratory innovation to manufacturable nanostructured components and devices. The Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing builds on recognized excellence in nanoscience and technology at UMass and a world-class program in polymer research to yield complete specification of nanostructures combining directed self-assembly and imprinting with subsequent transfer of 2-D and 3-D structures, and advanced deposition techniques, into active components, functional materials, and fully-integrated devices. Bottom-up processes will be seamlessly integrated with conventional fabrication methods for dramatic advances in semiconductor devices, microelectronics, biomedical applications, and other areas. In addition, the Center offers a new strategic model to bridge the innovation-to-implementation gap through test beds that combine leading breakthrough technology, professional market analysis, industrial-scale fabrication processes, and facilitated technology transfer. The impact of this Center is strengthened through strong collaborators including leading R&D consultant TIAX and prototyping partner Lucent Technologies will allow the Center to drive concepts to commercialization. Students educated in this environment will be well prepared for careers that partner innovation with implementation. The Center initiates a National Nanomanufacturing Network (NNN)—a catalyst for U.S. nanomanufacturing-based economic development, a network of shared manufacturing facilities, a dynamic web-based information clearinghouse, and a pathway for university-industry-government partnerships. The NNN will integrate and amplify the impact of all NSECs and the nanomanufacturing research community. The Center will address a national need by creating and disseminating research-based multimedia instructional materials to stimulate and educate audiences ranging from K-12 students and teachers, community college learners, and the public. A strong societal implications program includes national workshops and survey studies. The Center’s efforts are leveraged by strong commitments from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.