Nanotechnology Project

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Environment, Health and Safety Research

Nanoscale Science & Engineering Center for Integrated Nanopatterning and Detection Technologies

Project Information

Principal InvestigatorChad Mirkin
InstitutionNorthwestern University
Project URLView
Relevance to ImplicationsSome
Class of NanomaterialGeneric
Impact SectorHuman Health
Broad Research Categories Hazard
NNI identifiera1-34

Funding Information

Anticipated Total Funding$12,702,550.00
Annual Funding$2,117,091.67
Funding SourceNSF
Funding Mechanism
Funding Sector
Start Year2001
Anticipated End Year2007


This award establishes a Nanoscience and Engineering Center (NSEC) for Integrated Nanopatterning and Detection Technologiesat the Northwestern University. The Center will develop state-of-the-art nanopattering capabilities that are compatible with soft materials and can be used for the development of powerful new detection systems. Several emerging patterning tools and synthetic methods will be developed to fabricate nanostructured materials and devices. The Center’s research strategy focuses on (1) the science and technology of surface template-driven assemblies that rely on chemical and biochemical recognition events, and (b) the experimental and theoretical study of signal transduction in soft matter nanostructures. The research program is organized under three themes: (1) Chemical and Biological recognition; (2) Nanostructured Assembly; (3) Transport and Transduction in Nanostructures Formed via Surface-Directed Assembly. As the research progresses, focus will be placed upon the development of biological (nuicleic acids and proteins) and chemical (small molecule) sensors. The research outreach will include University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Harold Washington University, and Argonne National Laboratory. The Center will establish formal programs with international comp[anies, universities, and laboratories in the area of nanoscale research. The Center will take a lead to establish the first global network of centers and institutes in the area of nanoscience and engineering. In the area of undergraduate education, the Center will establish Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) and the Minority Internships in Nanotechnology (MIN) programs. The MIN program will be promoted through the minority institutions in the area. Middle and high school teachers will be provided research experience through Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program. A web-based highly flexible “Functional Nanostructure” module will be developed and distributed. New courses in nanotechnology will be developed for undergraduate and graduate levels. Industry participates in the Center activities by providing company personnel as student mentors, and by supplying source codes for software development. The Center has a program to advice on formation of startup companies.