Impact Sector
Human Health
- Understanding Transport and Association of Nanoparticles in Biological Systems Principal Investigator: Bernie KraatzCountry: CanadaFunding Source: NSERC
- URBAN EXPOSUREPrincipal Investigator: Ian ColbeckCountry: UKFunding Source: EU
- Use of nanoparticules in industry: safety aspectsPrincipal Investigator: Michael RiedikerCountry: SwitzerlandFunding Source: Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail (external funding requested)
- USING VIRAL NANOPARTICLES TO TARGET CANCERPrincipal Investigator: Marianne ManchesterCountry: USAFunding Source: NIH
- UTEP-UNM HSC ARCH PROGRAM ON BORDER ASTHMAPrincipal Investigator: Nicholas E PingitoreCountry: USAFunding Source: NIH
- WINGS-Web-Interfaced Nanotechnology ESH Guidance System for Force Health ProtectionPrincipal Investigator: Country: USAFunding Source: DOD