Impact Sector
- Nanoparticle Stability in Natural Waters and its Implication for Metal Toxicity to Water Column and Benthic OrganismsPrincipal Investigator: James RanvilleCountry: USAFunding Source: EPA
- Nanoparticle Toxicity in Zebrafish Principal Investigator: Gregory MayerCountry: USAFunding Source: EPA
- Nanoscale Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Arsenian Pyrite in Ore Deposits Principal Investigator: Stephen KeslerCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- Nanoscale zerovalent iron (nZVI) impact on soil microbial communitiesPrincipal Investigator: Country: UKFunding Source: NERC
- Nanotox: Cross-Media Environmental Transport, Transformation, and Fate of Manufactured Carbonaceous Nanomaterials Principal Investigator: Linsey MarrCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- NER: Exploratory Research on Developing a Nanoscale Sensing Device for Measuring the Supply of Iron to Eukaryotic Phytoplankton in Natural SeawaterPrincipal Investigator: Mark WellsCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- NER: Nanoscale Size Effects on the Biogeochemical Reactivity of Iron Oxides in Active Environmental Nanosystems Principal Investigator: Daniel GiammarCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- NER: Nanoscale Size Effects on the Biogeochemical Reactivity of Iron Oxides in Active Environmental NanosystemsPrincipal Investigator: Daniel Giammar Country: USAFunding Source: NSF
- NIRT - Collaborative Research: Experimental and Computational Investigations of Fluid Interactions/Transport in Nanodomains and Around NanoparticlesPrincipal Investigator: Robert ThompsonCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- NIRT: Nanoscale Processes in the Environment: Nanobiogeochemistry of Microbe/Mineral InteractionsPrincipal Investigator: Michael HochellaCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF