Impact Sector
- SGER: Particle Incorporation of PAH in Aquatic Environments: Implications to Fate and Transport Principal Investigator: Richard BoppCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- Short-Term Chronic Toxicity of Photocatalytic Nanoparticles to Bacteria, Algae, and ZooplanktonPrincipal Investigator: Chin-pao HuangCountry: USAFunding Source: EPA
- Size Dependent Neuronal Translocation of NanoparticlesPrincipal Investigator: Gunter OberdorsterCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- Solubilization of carbon nanotubes and fullerenes in natural waters under environmental conditionsPrincipal Investigator: B. NowackCountry: SwitzerlandFunding Source: Swiss National Science Foundation
- SORPTION AND AVAILABILITY OF METALS AND RADIONUCLIDES IN SOILSPrincipal Investigator: J. B.; Flury, M. HarshCountry: USAFunding Source: USDA
- Sub-micrometer zero valent metal for in-situ remediation of contaminated aquifersPrincipal Investigator: John O FreimCountry: USAFunding Source: NIH
- Sustainable Biodegradable Green Nanocomposites From Bacterial Bioplastic For Automotive ApplicationsPrincipal Investigator: Lawrence T DrzalCountry: USAFunding Source: EPA
- Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Studies of Transition Metal Carbide Nanoparticles as Environmental Nanocatalysts Principal Investigator: S. Ismat Ismat ShahCountry: USAFunding Source: EPA
- Synthetic polymer nanoparticles: effects of size and composition on uptake, toxicity and interactions with environmental contaminantsPrincipal Investigator: Country: UKFunding Source: NERC
- The Big Issue the ecotoxicology of nanoparticlesPrincipal Investigator: Country: UKFunding Source: NERC