- Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes with Oral Administration of Nanoencapsulated GLP-1Principal Investigator: Thomas F ConwayCountry: USAFunding Source: NIH
- Tumorigenicity of Photoactive Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide In Transgenic MicePrincipal Investigator: Country: USAFunding Source: NIH
- U.S.-Korea Cooperative Research: Ionomer Polymer Networks and their Application to Soil RemediationPrincipal Investigator: Claude CohenCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- U.S.-Portugal Collaborative Research: Characterization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Environmental Implications and Energy Storage Principal Investigator: Sandeep AgnihotriCountry: USAFunding Source: NSF
- Ultrafine Aerosols from Diesel-Powered EquipmentPrincipal Investigator: Aleksander BugarskiCountry: USAFunding Source: NIOSH
- Ultrafine Particles in Heavy Vehicle Assembly and Components Manufacturing PlantsPrincipal Investigator: Thomas PetersCountry: USAFunding Source: UAW, International Truck and Engine Corporation
- Using Plasmon Peaks In Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy To Determine the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Nanoscale Materials Principal Investigator: Country: USAFunding Source: DOE
- USING VIRAL NANOPARTICLES TO TARGET CANCERPrincipal Investigator: Marianne ManchesterCountry: USAFunding Source: NIH
- UTEP-UNM HSC ARCH PROGRAM ON BORDER ASTHMAPrincipal Investigator: Nicholas E PingitoreCountry: USAFunding Source: NIH
- WINGS-Web-Interfaced Nanotechnology ESH Guidance System for Force Health ProtectionPrincipal Investigator: Country: USAFunding Source: DOD