February 28, 2008
First Annual Conference on Nanotechnology Law, Regulation and Policy
Keynote Address
Keynote address from Michael R. Taylor at the First Annual Conference on Nanotechnology Law, Regulation and Policy.
Michael R. Taylor
December 3, 2007
Feynman, Voltaire and Beckett on Nanotechnology
Presentation to Nanopolicy Conference, National Press Club
This presentation examines flaws in the assertion by the U.S. government that the existing regulatory system is adequate to address risks from nanotechnologies and explores actions that need to be taken to help foster successful commercialization of nano products.
David Rejeski
February 27, 2007
Nanotechnology: A Primer
Woodrow Wilson Center
Andrew Maynard
February 6, 2007
China’s Emerging Innovation Trajectory: Nanotechnology and the Role of the 15 Year Medium to Long-Term S&T Plan
Nano in China
Denis Fred Simon
February 6, 2007
Innovation or Imitation? China’s Bid to Become a Global Leader in Nanotechnology
Nano in China
Richard Appelbaum
February 6, 2007
China, Nanotechnology, and the Environment
Nano in China
Evan Michelson, Louise Yeung
December 5, 2006
What Drives Public Acceptance of Nanotechnology?
Dreaming of a Nanotech Christmas
Published in Nature Nanotechnology 1
Steve Currall
April 27, 2006
Nanotech Safety 101 or How to Avoid the Next Little Accident
Presentation at the Workshop on Disaster Prevention, Harvard University.
David Rejeski
November 30, 2005
Nanotechnology and Human Health Impact A Framework for Strategic Research
Andrew Maynard
November 29, 2005
Nanotechnology - How Much EH&S Research is Enough
DoD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Workshop, Washington, DC
David Rejeski