Project Papers
November 1, 2005
Nanotechnology Risks and the Media
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Winter 2005
© 2005 IEEE. Reprinted from IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Winter 2005. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
Sharon Friedman, Brenda P. Egolf
November 1, 2005
Analysis of Nanotechnology from an Industrial Ecology Perspective Part II
Substance Flow Analysis Study of Carbon Nanotubes
Deanna Lekas
September 15, 2005
The Nanotechnology-Biology Interface: Exploring Models for Oversight
Workshop Report, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
Jennifer Kuzma
May 26, 2005
Analysis of Nanotechnology from an Industrial Ecology Perspective
Deanna Lekas, Master of Environmental Management Candidate 2006, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies