July 1, 2006
Falling Through the Cracks? Public Perception, Risk, and the Oversight of Emerging Nanotechnologies
This report focuses on the need for a more systemic risk management approach to nanotechnology.
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Evan S. Michelson, David Rejeski
July 1, 2006
Nanotechnology Startup Concerns, Information Needs, and Opportunities to Proactively Address Environmental, Health, and Social Issues
Focus on firms in Connecticut and New York
An investigation into how nanotech startup firms are dealing and could deal with uncertain environmental and health issues related to the production, distribution, and use of their products.
Deanna Lekas
June 20, 2006
Examining the Viability of Patent Pools to the Growing Nanotechnology Patent Thicket
This paper is a result of Alexander Lee’s Master’s Thesis research under the same title.
This project examined the viability of using patent pools with nanotechnology as a means to avoid the high cost associated with acquiring numerous licensing agreements needed to create a product.
Alexander Lee
June 1, 2006
Rapid Environmental Impact Screening For Engineered Nanomaterials
A Case Study Using Microarray Technology
Eva Oberdörster, Ph.D., Patrick Larkin, Ph.D., John Rogers
May 4, 2006
Testimony for the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Hearing on Promoting Economic Development Opportunities Through Nano Commercialization
David Rejeski
April 27, 2006
Nanotech Safety 101 or How to Avoid the Next Little Accident
Presentation at the Workshop on Disaster Prevention, Harvard University.
David Rejeski
January 11, 2006
Managing the Effects of Nanotechnology
PEN 2, January 2006
J. Clarence Davies
December 14, 2005
A report on Canadian and American news media coverage of nanotechnology issues
Cormex Research
Andrew Laing
November 30, 2005
Nanotechnology and Human Health Impact A Framework for Strategic Research
Andrew Maynard
November 29, 2005
Nanotechnology - How Much EH&S Research is Enough
DoD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Workshop, Washington, DC
David Rejeski