November 16, 2006
Safe Handling of Nanotechnology
Nature Article
Andrew Maynard
October 10, 2006
Statement of Michael R. Taylor at FDA hearing
Public Meeting on Nanotechnology Materials in FDA-Regulated Products
Michael R. Taylor
October 10, 2006
FDA and Nanotechnology: Public Perceptions Matter
FDA Hearings
Project Director David Rejeski’s Comments at the FDA hearings
David Rejeski
October 5, 2006
FDA-Regulated Products Containing Nanotechnology Materials
Submission Update
David Rejeski
October 1, 2006
Regulating the Products of Nanotechnology: Does FDA Have the Tools it Needs?
PEN 5, October 2006
Michael R. Taylor
September 28, 2006
Comments on the UK Government’s response to the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering report
Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties
The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies has submitted comments on the United Kingdom (UK) Government’s response to the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering report “Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties.”
David Rejeski
September 21, 2006
Testimony in front of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science
Research on Environmental and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology: What are the Federal Agencies Doing?
Andrew Maynard
September 1, 2006
Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Production: Anticipated Applications
PEN 4, September 2006
Thanks to nanotechnology, tomorrow’s food will be designed by shaping molecules and atoms.
Jennifer Kuzma, Peter VerHage
July 19, 2006
FDA-Regulated products containing nanotechnology materials
Initial Project Submission to FDA hearings
David Rejeski
July 1, 2006
Nanotechnology: A Research Strategy for Addressing Risk
PEN 3, July 2006
This report by Dr. Andrew Maynard proposes a comprehensive framework for systematically exploring possible risks.
Andrew D. Maynard