March 1, 2007
On the Horizons of Medicine and Healthcare
NanoFrontiers 1, May 2007
The NanoFrontiers newsletter reports on achievements
toward realizing the immense potential of nanotechnology. It continues and updates the discussion begun at the
February 2006 NanoFrontiers workshop, co-sponsored
by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, National
Institutes of Health, and National Science Foundation.
Issues will provide samplings of recent developments in
selected areas—accomplishments that hint at new nanotechnology-enabled tools, products, and applications
that can be used for the good of humankind and the planet. This inaugural issue focuses on nanomedicine, highlighting a few nanotechnology developments on the
path toward improvements in human health
and healthcare. Cancer-focused efforts illustrate the progress and the promise of nanotechnology.
March 1, 2007
Thinking Big About Things Small: Creating an Effective Oversight System for Nanotechnology
PEN 7, March 2007
Mark Greenwood
March 1, 2007
NanoFrontiers: Visions for the Future of Nanotechnology (Report)
PEN6, March 2007
Controlling the properties and behavior of matter at the smallest scale—in effect, “domesticating atoms”—can help to overcome some of the world’s biggest challenges, concludes a new report on how diverse experts view the future of nanotechnology. This publication highlights the findings of a Washington, DC meeting organized by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
Karen Schmidt
March 1, 2007
Nanotechnology Risk Perceptions: The Influence of Affect and Values
Conducted by the Cultural Cognition Project at Yale Law School
Dan Kahan
March 1, 2007
Nanotechnology and Life Cycle Assessment: A Systems Approach to Nanotechnology and the Environment
Synthesis of results obtained at a workshop in Washington, DC, October 2006
February 27, 2007
Nanotechnology: A Primer
Woodrow Wilson Center
Andrew Maynard
February 6, 2007
Innovation or Imitation? China’s Bid to Become a Global Leader in Nanotechnology
Nano in China
Richard Appelbaum
February 6, 2007
China, Nanotechnology, and the Environment
Nano in China
Evan Michelson, Louise Yeung
February 6, 2007
China’s Emerging Innovation Trajectory: Nanotechnology and the Role of the 15 Year Medium to Long-Term S&T Plan
Nano in China
Denis Fred Simon
December 5, 2006
What Drives Public Acceptance of Nanotechnology?
Dreaming of a Nanotech Christmas
Published in Nature Nanotechnology 1
Steve Currall